Download Your ALP/Technician Group C Answer Key
Congratulation the answer key of APL/Technician Group C Answer key released today 14/09/2018 at 9:00 am by the official RRB board. Where you can easily download or view your Answer key directly.As you know that the marks distribution for each correct answer is 1marks and for the wrong answer, 1/3 marks detected from your obtaining marks. All qualified candidates are getting ready for there next CBT exam for railways next stage examination. As you know every competitive every one ready for the best competition to give a tough competition to there competitors. So join us on Jobesthan to get valuable job exam notification in future.
How to download.
To download the answer *Click on the given link below
*Then click on Candidates Response tab.
* After that, your download will start.
For each Correct answer, the candidate will be rewarded.
For each wrong or incorrect answer, the candidate will have.
Best of Luck